About Company

Information about the external auditor

Ernst&Young has been the external auditor of Mercury Properties LLP and its subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures since 2013.

Ernst&Young has a good business reputation and has significant experience in providing services to leading companies operating in various sectors of the economy. The company is one of the international leaders in the field of audit, tax and legal, business consulting and advisory services for IPO transactions.

Full name:

Ernst & Young Limited Liability Partnership.

License number:

state audit license for audit activities on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan: series МФЮ–2, No. 0000003 dated July 15, 2005, issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Mailing address:

The Republic of Kazakhstan, 050060, Almaty, Al-Farabi Ave., 77/7 tel.: +7 (727) 2585 960
fax: +7 (727) 2585 961
E-mail: almaty@kz.ey.com

Disclosure of information in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants

The remuneration for audit services for 2023-2025 of the audit organization Ernst & Young LLP amounted to:

Joint-stock real estate investment fund Sputnik Joint-stock company – 32,738 thousand tenge (including VAT)

ALG Company Joint-stock company – 47,474 thousand tenge (including VAT)

Joint-stock real estate investment fund Car City Joint-stock company – 29,320 thousand tenge (including VAT)

Joint-stock real estate investment fund Zhaiyk Invest Development Joint-stock company - 24,979 thousand tenge (including VAT)